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RE: Update from The Alexander Pandemic Preparedness Committee


Dear Residents, Staff, Families & Friends of The Alexander Aged Care Centre,

We are happy to advise that all staff and residents remain well.

As mentioned in our last update, Monash Health conducted face-to-face training with our staff members.  As a result of that training, we have appointed seven staff members who are our Infection Control “Champions”.  These staff members will oversee work practices and will be the facility “spotters”.  We sincerely thank them for taking on this role.

Monash Health were extremely complimentary of our practices when they visited last week.  They commented on how thorough our screening process was and the lengths that the facility has gone to with our use of PPE for both visiting health providers and staff.  We were pleased to hear them state that we were one of the most thorough and proactive homes they had visited.

We also wish to reiterate that all our staff and physiotherapists are only working at The Alexander and not across numerous facilities.  This has been the case for the past month.

Our Zoom conferencing has increased over the past two weeks due to Stage 4 restrictions.  Please feel free to contact Jenny or Fiona at reception to book a meeting with your loved one.

View the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre Key Contacts for Families document should you wish to utilise these services.

Please remember that emergency leave can be taken if required.  This provision is available until 30 September 2020.  If any resident wishes to temporarily leave the facility to reside with a family member, please contact a member of management who will be able to assist you with the process.  More information is available via the link below.


We managed to contact most families this week seeking approval to disclose the primary contact details we have on file with Government authorities in the event of an outbreak.  We also discussed how we, as a facility, are communicating with all stakeholders and how our COVID-19 preparedness is overall.  We are happy to report that every family contacted were completely supportive and thankful of The Alexander Aged Care Centre’s actions to date.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to speak with us and to those that haven’t yet been contacted, we will do so on Monday 24 August.

Please stay well and enjoy your weekend. Thank you for your continued support.

Further communication will follow next week.


Yours sincerely,

The Alexander Aged Care Centre
Pandemic Preparedness Committee
