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RE: Update from The Alexander Pandemic Preparedness Committee

Dear Residents, Staff, Families & Friends,

The State of Disaster continues and with great relief, it appears that the Victorian COVID case numbers are dropping. At The Alex, we continue COVID free and our residents remain safe.

Our wonderful staff change into their scrubs at the start of each shift and diligently follow their infection control practices to their credit. Our Infection Control Champions and daily spotters provide guidance and support in upholding best practice in infection control. We forever move the goal posts as we iron out the intricacies of best practice and our staff continue to prove how valuable every team member is in making it through this very unusual year.

The Pandemic Preparedness Committee continues to meet regularly. We are in a perpetual state of monitoring updates from both the State and Commonwealth Health Departments. Minor changes to COVID specific procedures is a moving feast at times but appears to be settling.

Daily resident screening using the Safer VIC COVID-19 Screening Tool continues. We have implemented a stricter monitoring process than the Safer VIC minimum recommendations to ensure any concerns identified are thoroughly followed up by the Registered Nurse. This tool is working well and will continue indefinitely at this stage.

The voluntary COVID Testing has now been confirmed for Thursday the 24th September. Aspen Medical visited The Alexander last week for planning purposes and have identified a suitable clinic location on Level 2 or they will visit individual resident rooms if needed. It is still not too late to register for voluntary testing. We have also been advised staff do not need a Medicare card to participate in the program. Please email pam@thealexanderagedcare.com.au if you would like to register. This initiative is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health.

Window visits and “Zooms” are available by appointment and operate between 9.30am to 12.30pm Monday to Friday for the next 2 weeks. To book your appointment, please email jenny@thealeaxanderagedcare.com.au or phone reception on 9548 7366. We look forward to when restrictions are eased, and we can restart regular visiting for all residents again.

It is important that you are aware of the numerous support services available during this unprecedented time if you feel burdened during this current COVID climate. We will continue to inform you of services available in our updates. The Department of Health has an assistance page to help you maintain your mental health during this stressful time.  Please access  https://headtohealth.gov.au/covid-19-support.


Thank you again to everyone for your support as we continually strive to keep The Alexander a safe place for all.


Yours sincerely,

The Alexander Aged Care Centre
Pandemic Preparedness Committee
