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RE: Update from The Alexander Pandemic Preparedness Committee


Dear Residents, Staff, Families & Friends of The Alexander Aged Care Centre,


As the second coronavirus wave continues to dominate the news in Melbourne, we are on high alert and are writing to reassure you that we are utilising every available strategy to reduce the risk of introducing COVID-19.

We want to reinforce that The Alexander Aged Care Centre remains free of COVID-19.

Our Pandemic Preparedness Committee continues to meet daily to revise and update information based on the most recent Health Department information available.

Our team continues to research the latest information about COVID-19 prevention & management and we continue with ongoing education & training to all staff to ensure that our infection control skills remain strong.

There has been publicity surrounding the recommendation from government last week for staff to not work across multiple sites. This is a recommendation only. The program is subsided by the government for the next 8 weeks to ensure staff are not disadvantaged because of lower wage earning capacity as a result of the changes.

Staff at The Alexander are not working for other providers during this 8-week period. We have made minor changes to our roster because of this. Our revised roster is in place and we continue on another week.

We have a stockpile of PPE supplies that we review daily and reorder as needed. Everyone entering The Alexander is wearing a surgical face mask as per the Victorian State directions.

All staff, GPs and Allied Health continue to change into the medical scrubs when they arrive and before they leave. Our Management team, administrative support teams & essential contractors wear PPE when in all resident communal areas.

As part of our preparedness planning, we have attached a poster from the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission (ACQSC) which we will display throughout the facility. https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au/sites/default/files/media/a3-poster-what-to-expect-during-a-covid-19-outbreak.pdf Should our circumstances change, we will notify you within hours of any confirmed COVID-19 case in staff or resident.

It is of utmost importance that we have your current contact details so as you receive information promptly and there are no delays in communication. We have information on our website and the SMS and email system. Please contact Jenny at reception on (03) 9548 7366 if your contact details have changed.

Please continue to look after yourselves & each other as we journey through this unprecedented time. We thank you for your ongoing support & cooperation as we make these difficult decisions. We will continue to make every effort to keep The Alexander Aged Care Centre a safe place for all and provide regular updates to all stakeholders. Even though we are now all covered up, we are forever grateful to see the residents smile.

You can expect to hear from us again by the end of the week.



Yours Sincerely,

Pandemic Preparedness Committee

The Alexander Aged Care Centre
